Chrysler of Culpeper

On the Go Snacks

On-The-Go Snacks for Busy Families


When fall kicks into high gear, it’s not just fall foliage and cooler weather we have to look forward to—although those are pretty amazing. The fall season also means back to school and back to busy afternoons and evenings for you and your kids. So if you find yourself in your car shuttling your kids to practices and games almost every day, you need to keep up your energy, too. Instead of grabbing chips or candy or spending a fortune at a drive thru, here are on-the-go snacks that every busy mom needs to take in the car.

Make your own protein box - The best part of these protein boxes is that you can make them on a Sunday and have them ready to go for the entire week. Grab a few plastic containers and make up a protein box full of healthy snacks that will keep you full and won’t blow your healthy eating. Start with a hardboiled egg, cheese stick, apple slices, and veggies. Portion out these foods for the week, pack them in a container, and grab them on the way out the door.

For the days you need a sweet fix - Pack slices of apples, peanut butter and yogurt into a plastic container. Mixing the peanut butter and the yogurt makes a delicious apple dip that hit the spot on the days you want something sweet. Toss a few napkins and a spoon into your bag so when you are hungry, you can snack in between pickup and drop-offs.

Mason Jar Ready Snacks - Use a mason jar to pack delicious and yummy snacks like veggies and hummus or peanut butter. You can even pack a small salad, complete with veggies, a protein, and dressing for a quick bite.  A mason jar is perfect for yogurt and granola.

Wrap it Up - Create a few wraps that make for quick and filling snacks. Try peanut butter or almond butter and bananas for a sweet snack. Skip heavy dressings or mayonnaise since this is a wrap you’ll be taking in the car.